Amendment to frequency of MHP price assessment

After an extended consultation period, Fastmarkets has amended the frequency of its MB-NIO-0003 nickel mixed hydroxide precipitate outright price, cif China, Japan, and South Korea and MB-NIO-0004 nickel mixed hydroxide precipitate payable indicator, % London Metal Exchange, cif China, Japan, and South Korea from once per week to daily

This amendment takes effect on Friday October 27.

The initial proposal was made in response of increased liquidity reported to Fastmarkets, and to capture more price fluctuations.

The growth in mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) production globally, and its growing importance as a key feedstock in the production of battery grade nickel sulfate, has resulted in increased focus on the market and pricing trends.

This pricing notice is separate to the cobalt in MHP consultation, which has also concluded.

The new specifications for the MHP prices will be as follows:

MB-NIO-0003 Nickel mixed hydroxide precipitate, outright price, cif China, Japan and South Korea, $/tonne
Quality: 30-45% nickel min/max, 1-6% cobalt min/max, 4% Zn max, 4% Cu max, 9% Mn max, 5% Mg max, 5% S max, 0.5% Fe max, moisture content 35- 40%
Quantity: Min 100 tonnes
Location: CIF major ports China, Japan and South Korea (other ports normalized)
Timing: 45 days
Unit: USD per tonne, inferred basis of the payable range or expressed by participants
Publication: Daily, 4pm London time

MB-NIO-0004 Nickel mixed hydroxide precipitate payable indicator, % London Metal Exchange, cif China, Japan and South Korea
Quality: 30-45% nickel min/max, 1-6% cobalt min/max, 4% Zn max, 4% Cu max, 9% Mn max, 5% Mg max, 5% S max, 0.5% Fe max, moisture content 35- 40%
Quantity: Min 100 tonnes
Location: CIF major ports China, Japan and South Korea (other ports normalized)
Timing: 45 days
Unit: % payable basis LME monthly average
Publication: Daily 4pm London time

These prices are part of the Fastmarkets base metals package.

To provide feedback on this price, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this price, please contact Callum Perry by email at Please add the subject heading “FAO: Callum Perry, re MHP prices.”

Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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