Proposal to discontinue steel scrap punchings and plate assessments for Cleveland, Pittsburgh

Fastmarkets is proposing to discontinue its broker buying, FOB, price assessments for punchings and plate grade ferrous scrap in the Cleveland and Pittsburgh markets.

The proposal to discontinue has been brought on by market feedback that these grades are not actively traded in the aforementioned markets.

The consultation period for this proposal will run from Wednesday October 11 to Friday November 10, 2023.

The specifications for the grades in question are:

MB-STE-0653 – Steel scrap punchings and plate, broker buying price, fob Cleveland, $/gross ton
Specifications: Punchings and plate scrap contains punchings or stampings, plate scrap, and bar crops containing not over 0.05 percent phosphorous or sulfur and not over 0.5 percent silicon, free from alloys, as specified by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. All materials cut 12 inches and under, and with the exception of punchings or stampings, must be at least 1/8 inch in thickness. Punchings or stampings under 6 inches in diameter may be any gauge.
Location: Cleveland
Currency and unit: USD per gross ton on car
Pricing point: Prices that a broker will pay for items delivered to his yard loaded onto rail-road cars, trucks or barges FOB
Frequency: Monthly, typically before the 10th
ISRI Code: 234

MB-STE-0598 – Steel scrap punchings and plate, consumer buying price, delivered mill Pittsburgh, $/gross ton
Specifications: Punchings and plate scrap contains punchings or stampings, plate scrap, and bar crops containing not over 0.05 percent phosphorous or sulfur and not over 0.5 percent silicon, free from alloys, as specified by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. All materials cut 12 inches and under, and with the exception of punchings or stampings, must be at least 1/8 inch in thickness. Punchings or stampings under 6 inches in diameter may be any gauge.
Location: Pittsburgh
Currency and unit: USD per gross ton on car
Pricing point: Delivered mill price
Frequency: Monthly, typically before the 10th
ISRI Code: 234

These prices form part of Fastmarkets’ scrap package.

For more information or to provide feedback on this pricing notice, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these prices, please contact Amy Hinton by email at: Please add the subject heading: “FAO: Amy Hinton Re: punchings and plate.” Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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