Talks between the European Union and the United States began in October 2021, where both parties announced the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium (GASSA), a partnership in which both parties would negotiate an arrangement to combat global overcapacity and climate change. The discussions would include discouraging trade in high-carbon steel and aluminum that […]

Steel producers reinvesting in coal-based steelmaking are potentially locking in millions of tonnes more carbon dioxide emissions

Fastmarkets is proposing to amend its PCI low-vol cfr Jingtang index (MB-COA-0007) to change its specifications, laycan and frequency.

The outlook for prime hard metallurgical coal is dim, even as demand dwindles in key end user markets China and India

Shanxi, a top coal-producing province in North China which has been struggling with high levels of air pollution – is on its way to becoming a green steel leader in the country following the steps it has taken to prepare for the energy transition and to upgrade its steel industry over the past decade

Glencore’s new chief executive officer Gary Nagle is learning a key management lesson the hard way, namely: “You can’t please all of the people all of the time

Following a one-month consultation, Fastmarkets has adjusted its coking coal index methodology to increase transparency by incorporating data from physical trading platforms.

Following a one-month consultation, Fastmarkets has amended the laycan timing and unit of its coking coal indices to better reflect the coking coal spot market.

A potential lifting of China’s sanctions on the import of Australian metallurgical coal and China’s post-Covid-19 recovery will be key factors to watch in 2023, market sources told Fastmarkets on Wednesday January 4

Fastmarkets proposes to refine its coking coal index methodology to increase transparency when incorporating data from physical trading platforms.