Price data
A trusted reflection of commodity prices, even at their most volatile
Know you’re using the most market-reflective commodity prices that are trusted by hundreds of companies all over the globe. Our price data is backed by accredited and IOSCO-compliant methodologies.
You’ll be able to see the commodity markets as they truly stand today. Know exactly what’s happening and why, as well as be able to anticipate what might come next.
We’ve been benchmarking commodities for more than 130 years. Our team of more than 200 expert price reporters and analysts has deep connections within the markets we serve.
Stay on top of this increasingly volatile market with real-time data for grains and oilseeds, veg oils and meals, animals fats, oils and proteins, and hides, leathers and industrials.
Fastmarkets forest products give you access to unmatched price data on over 80 sub-grades across the market including pulp, paper, packaging and wood products such as timber.
Providing reliable price discovery and benchmarks since 1865, our metals and mining price data covers industrial minerals, minor metals, base metals, steel, scrap and more.
The latest price data in the transition to cleaner energy and a low-carbon future, price data includes battery materials market analysis for materials such as lithium, cobalt, nickel and graphite, as well as biofuel feedstock and biomass.
We recognize the importance of being clear about our price assessment and index process. Find out how our price reporters and analysts assess and forecast prices in agriculture, forest products and metals and mining.
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Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more