The October 13 panel report included an incorrect price for Western plywood sheathing CD struc 1 3/4. A typo was made resulting in the incorrect report. The incorrect price of $920 (a $15 decrease) has been corrected to $935 (no change).

A number of structural panel prices in today’s Midweek publication had errors on the ups/downs page due to technical errors.

The market for Southern Pine plywood in the US was flat for nearly an entire quarter, until the trend ended in May this year

EUGENE (Random Lengths) – The April 21 panel report included an incorrect price for Western plywood sheathing CD struc 1 3/8. Incorrectly entered source input drove a gain in the assessed price. The incorrect price of $515 (a $60 increase) has been corrected to $455 (no change). Wstn ply sheath CD struc 1 3/8 INCORRECT […]

High demand meant that US treated lumber exports to the Caribbean set a record in 2022

US softwood plywood imports from Brazil fell to a two-year low in 2022 and the rate of decline accelerated in January

Western CD prices dropped in mid-March this year for the first time since early January

We look back at historical events that forever changed the wood products industry in North America

North American structural panel production dropped year on year

Despite historically high volumes, US structural panel imports from offshore suppliers have recently leveled off