Despite this, in their discussion on manganese ore and manganese alloys, experts including Asia Minerals Limited (AML) director Gautam Kumar, Project Blue founder Jack Beddar and WoodMac research director Kevin Fowkes weighed in on the various methods for reducing carbon emissions and the challenges they pose for ferro-alloys producers. “The problem is the most hazardous […]

The publication of Fastmarkets’ manganese ore fot indices for Monday October 9 was delayed due to a reporter error.

Volatility in key currencies has been at the forefront of the minds of many steel and ferro-alloys producers, traders and buyers in 2023

The publication of Fastmarkets’ manganese ore seaborne indices for Friday October 6 was delayed due to inputting errors in the data submission process.

Amid recent headlines about volatile bunker prices, rampant port congestion and a jump in ocean freight costs, metal market participants might be forgiven for thinking they have returned to 2021

Chinese seaborne manganese ore prices fell during the week to Friday September 8, following significant depreciation of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar, which added to buyer-side cost pressures, sources said

Manganese ore prices, delivered to China, have been trending lower since early February, with Fastmarkets analysts and market sources expecting steady growth in supply and high inventory levels to drag on prices

The publication of several Fastmarkets’ steel, scrap and manganese ore prices for Friday August 4 were delayed due to a technical issue.

Fastmarkets has amended the payment terms in the specifications of its three seaborne manganese ore indices.

Fastmarkets has corrected the published date for Shanghai bonded copper stocks, tonnes; chrome ore inventories at the main ports of Tianjin, Qinzhou, Lianyungang and Shanghai, million tonnes; and manganese ore inventories at the main Chinese ports of Tianjin and Qinzhou, million tonnes.